The Blog
Purpose: It Takes Two Baby
“When Heaven gives the gift of romantic love, it is always given in the context of purpose. A husband and wife of His choice are fit to fulfill their dreams together. When you wait with God for His choice, the time you are given with Him alone is where you practice your part of your purpose.”
Which Comes First: Purpose or Marriage
When we are left to mirror human choices, it's difficult to have both a thriving marriage and a fulfilling purpose. However, we can be assured of experiencing both in a divine match, a God-given love.
It Matters Who You Marry
The impact of your purpose depends on who you marry: His choice or your choice.
Romance And Divine Purpose
“…All three couples were brought together by God alone while they were “busy about their Father’s business” or purpose, in other words. What does this tell us? We see in these divine matches that the purpose of the one you are meant to be with will align with your purpose. They will be two parts of the same thing.”
Your Love Story
“My dream of true love was seized, dropped into a deep well of hopelessness, and sold to the lowest bidders. BUT GOD, as my daughter likes to say, worked what was meant for evil and turned the captivity of my innocent desires into a love story no fairytale can compare with.”