Purpose: It Takes Two Baby

So what's the big deal about purpose anyway? Does it really matter if we live and fulfill it? Well, think in terms of you and I benefiting from others who are living and what they are wired to do. We may not realize it, but those who are gifted at various tasks are living the lives that their Creator planned for them. They are the ones who are serving humanity in the ways they were created to. The result is that all of us are better off because they do so. So, don’t you think that humanity should also benefit from what I am doing? Should they not benefit from the things that God purposed for me to do?

Doing what I am wired and gifted to do also gives me the most satisfaction in this life, so it works both ways. For one, I am thankful for the preacher who followed his call; I have gleaned riches and grown from his doing so. I used to have a good friend, Tommy. His interest in mechanics led him to open his own shop. For years, I've benefited from Tommy's deep knowledge of all things auto mechanics.

How about some biblical evidence? Joseph had a dream about his eventual purpose and position of authority where His family would come to bow down to him. At this point, Joseph did not know the circumstances of his dream or when it would occur. But in due time, he did, and the dream? It came true. When Joseph's brothers eventually bowed down to Joseph. He was in a position no one saw coming: the position of saving their lives. God sent him ahead of his family to save people’s lives (Genesis 50:20-21).

The divine plan was that countless people would be spared from the desolation of famine. And who benefited most from Joseph's purpose? His own family. The world needs what you carry—answers from God for people in need. It needs what I carry, too.

When Heaven gives the gift of romantic love, it is always given in the context of purpose. A husband and wife of His choice are fit to fulfill their dreams together. When you wait with God for His choice, the time you are given with Him alone is where you practice your part of your purpose. In fact, it may be that you will meet them within the good works He has given you to do. When Paul stresses the importance of being equally yoked, we believe his intention goes beyond believing in Christ; it includes being equally yoked in purpose too.

Who, among all of humanity, will benefit the most from you two living out and fulfilling your purpose together? Will it be your own family like Joseph, a city like Gideon, or an entire nation like Moses?

Gary Elliot

Author, musician, screenplay writer, and Co-Founder of God of the Romantique Presentations. Gary lives his life for the pleasure of the Father and carries His passion for God’s biblical ways in the romantic. He studied the ways of God in the romantic for over 20 years. During that time, he grew to know God deeply and intimately. The truths he has learned have ignited a passion for others to know God in the same way. He has taught these principles at large gatherings, as well as one on one. His approach is a common biblical sense with a gritty edge.


Baby, You Can Drive My Car


Which Comes First: Purpose or Marriage