“The enemy is nervous about holy matrimonies

Not because this generation is afraid of commitment, they’re afraid of making a wrong choice.”

-Bill Johnson 2014

A December 2021 study by The Federalist recorded that marriages are at an all-time low in the U.S. They also concluded that singles are afraid of making a wrong choice in marriage. The Elliot’s love story has all the elements needed to instill biblical assurance, courage, and purpose to know the God of the Bible will provide for the desires of romantically longing hearts. When God provides a companion, confirming His choice for them, there is no more reason to fear “I do” until death parts. He finishes what He starts.

We are passionate for the unmarried to rest in God’s desire, design, and divine ability to redeem their romantic dreams. The Genesis of romantic love was, and still is, to be a gift given by God. We are driven by biblical truth and our experience to make His ways in the romantic known for three reasons:

God loves to give good gifts

People love to get His gifts

His love stories are gifts to the world

The way of faith makes for the most fascinating love stories designed to impact for generations to come. God is all about redeeming romantic dreams and so are we!

Your partnership through subscribing, social media likes-follows-sharing, booking a presentation, and purchasing books allow us to impact countless lives with the truth. When you join us, you become a part of turning the moral compass of a generation with us!

Why Should You Care?

Because your life is sacred with purpose, marriage until “death parts” is holy, and your faith in His desire, design, and divine ability thrills His heart.