Accepting His Forgotten Invitation
November 14th, 2022, I [Kim] saw in my spirit our Father God strolling through the Garden of our beginnings. He was experiencing a grief of sorts. His eyes were drawn away deep in thought. His feet lazily shuffled over the ever-fresh grasses of His garden when He approached something seemingly out of order in His garden. Looking down, He was curious to spot something soiled and distressed embedded into the dirt under His feet.
He bent down, pushing centuries of sediment away from its nested edges, He delicately pried it from its apparent grave I saw it was an invitation. An invitation He handed over to His kids in the beginning. An invitation, by the looks of it, dropped in the garden long ago and since forgotten. He brushes off the dirt, bends back the corners, and attempts to smooth the creases out. He opens it and I read: “…and I WILL make for you a suitable helper.”
We believe there is a great and rare pleasure waiting to be experienced in God’s heart that He rarely gets to experience with us: Rest; rest in His all-knowing, all-powerful, and always-present desire to present us with a perfectly fitted spouse inside His perfect timing.
In the Bible, God never reveals how to get a spouse. He does, however, reveal how to receive a spouse. In the beginning, He showed us how He wants to provide perfectly fitted companions. In the beginning, He invited us to expect Him to do it again and again for all His kids.
In the beginning the first couple was given the choice to trust God or trust themselves. Their choice led to a life of striving to get what they thought they desired most. We inherited our desperations from them. Can you tell? However, being made new in Christ is the invitation to stop striving to get what you think you desire most and to begin to rest in His love and power to get what He desires more; your best.
We worship every Sunday in faith beliveing for more than we can get for ourselves; healing, breakthrough, finances, favor, etc. Why is believing Him for a marriage companion beyond our imaginations and reach not included in our list of impossibilities? The divorce rate in the church solidifies, we don’t make the best choices for ourselves. Be apart of changing that today. Accept His Forgotten Invitation and enter into His rest: “I WILL make for you a suitable helper.”