Making The First Move

Through the years, I've learned to let God make the first moves because God is the One Who takes the responsibility to get each and every one of us to our purpose and destiny. We do have a part to play, though. What is that, you may ask?

First and foremost, it is to believe God and to cooperate with Him in what He reveals for us to do. Heaven never winds up humans and turns them loose just to watch what they may do. At the same time, God never dictates each and every detail to us where we don't get to be a significant player in the plan.

When the Almighty first gave Joseph his dream, He did not give Joesph the details of how it would play out. Even though Joseph did not see the specifics of what God was up to, God knew exactly what He would be doing with each move.

Consider these facts: Heaven used unusual circumstances and unexpected people to get Joseph to his dream. Ishmaelites were Joseph's ticket that moved him to Egypt. A scorned adult woman was a tool of false accusation that moved Joseph into prison. And a guilty palace officer would eventually remember a promise that moved Joseph in front of Pharoah. Pharoah himself would be the catalyst that moved Joseph into position for that teenaged dream to be a reality. During the season that all played out, the Lord never explained His strategy to Joseph. He only expected Joseph to trust His wisdom, timing, and justice and to work in cooperation with Him through it all.

You have a divine destiny, and Heaven will use unusual circumstances and unexpected people to get you there. God has taken the responsibility to see you get there. You don't have to reason it out. That never works, anyway. These ways that lead to destiny are the same ways that lead to Heaven’s choice in a marriage. The one who will share that destiny with you. You just can't lose by trusting in God! Proverbs 3: 5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your path straight.”

Let God make the first move. It makes your path straight and aligned with everything and everyone you need to be moved by Him.

Gary Elliot

Author, musician, screenplay writer, and Co-Founder of God of the Romantique Presentations. Gary lives his life for the pleasure of the Father and carries His passion for God’s biblical ways in the romantic. He studied the ways of God in the romantic for over 20 years. During that time, he grew to know God deeply and intimately. The truths he has learned have ignited a passion for others to know God in the same way. He has taught these principles at large gatherings, as well as one on one. His approach is a common biblical sense with a gritty edge.


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