What We Believe

  • The God of the Bible is The God of the Romantique: Genesis 2:18-23, 24-27, Ruth, Song of Solomon

  • The Single’s Advantage is an undistracted gift of time to become intimately acquainted with Christ: 1Corinthians 7:8, 32-35

  • Transformative Waiting is a lifestyle of faith in God’s Providence and Provision that strengthens our intimacy while conforming us into Christ’s image and a perfected companion: Pslam 27:14, Isaiah 40:31, Romans 8:22-29

  • Revelatory Dating is knowing we are eternally brothers and sisters (friends) to one another until God REVEALS His desire for two friends to become one: Genesis 2:18-23, 24-27, Ruth, Song of Solomon 2:7, 3:5, 8:4

  • Faith Is The Bottom Line; once you are saved by grace, it’s no longer us who live this life out, but it is Christ in us and now by faith rather than by sight. Striving for love gets us what we want. Resting in love gets us what He wants: Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 3:17-19, Hebrews 11: 1-6

  • Marriage’s Purpose is more than two being joined together; it is a mysterious display of Christ’s love for His Church and to fulfill an equally yoked purpose; therefore, it matters who you marry: Ephesians 5: 15-33, Amos 3:3, 2Corinthians 6:14

The longing for a companion was the first known longing of the human heart. Guess Who started it? The God of the Bible. Yes, it was God Himself Who set mankind up to first experience it. Mankind’s longing was not just for any companion but for the “right” companion, a perfectly fitted one. The best part about the God-given longing between men and women was God’s greater longing: to be THE ONE to answer it.

God of the Romantique Presentations is a company of believers committed to seeing YOU come to know the God of the Bible as the God of the Romantique through our books and our creative presentations in person and on socials. We want all who long to marry to enter into His rest of His original design:

Where God is THE ONE Who brings “the one” to answer the very longing He, Himself, started in you.