7:22AM Saturday, June 29th, 2013
Matches of matchless-wonder: There is an effervescent type of delight bubbling forth from the Father’s heart this morning. He desires lots of His choice matches, lots and lots of matches to fill the earth like the rain has been filling the plains. Rivers are swelling and there is water standing all around you and some of it stands beneath the foliage only your eyes can see. All the green foliage you see at the base of the trees of your forest actually rests upon a foot of fresh standing water. You need only to take 3 steps off your familiar and well-traveled path to begin to step into the overflow of this river.
Matches, lots and lots of God-made matches are ready to come into union for the sake of the gospel. The whole earth is crying out for holy matrimonies. He has a remnant in the earth (global) readied for a revolution. They have been graced to wait for His choice. They have been tested and tried and still they wait. However, the earth is now full, swelling with the waters of this revival. The unions of His waiting ones will beget more waiters and this waiting has been pre-planned to further purify His Bride.
Do not be surprised as His matches come together in accelerated relationships. Because they have been centered upon Christ it will be to them as though they have known one another for years, like they grew up together. In fact they did grow up together; they grew in this unusual grace apart from one another but together in Christ. Their unions will start out mature striking an awesome wonder in the hearts of onlookers. The earth is full of these ones and the earth is groaning for their unions.
The marriage community in the church will not find the fullness of its revival in the repair of marriages and the renewal gender identity alone. What needs to be understood and developed is the original concept of the marriage union: God’s choice. It goes back to the garden where Adam had no choice but God’s choice.